you have great product, and appreciate to have few more models as examples, such as model of Product, and Product Category so that we can use both of them as sample examples for Relationship to further implement after Purchase the PRO.
Hi Sovan,
That's the idea in 2025, specially Q1 :)
In Q4 2024 we "finish" the CRM boilerplate including landing page, blog, public API and make the docs and CLI really good. Then add 4 more boilerplates. They will be all in the same package deal. Purchase once, get 5 boilerplates + 5 landing pages is kinda the idea.
That way we can also have different menus, pages and can showcase more components.
For illustration: An AI photo/blog generator boilerplate uses "Credits" for billing and the whole billing page would be tailored towards it like:
- Pre-paid packages
- One-time credits top-up
- Subscription for x credits per month
- Auto-refill at 5%
If we stuffed it all in the CRM boilerplate it would be too complex and not fit the example.
Unfortunately e-commerce will not be one of the boilerplates we will do, but a listing one definitely. It can be a job board, home rentals or something in that direction.
We figured that besides the "core" implementation, founders can move extremely fast when they can just copy paste certain blocks + implementation together.
Support any timeframe for this, sice this is what I need today :D "An AI photo/blog generator boilerplate uses "Credits" for billing and the whole billing page would be tailored towards it like:
Pre-paid packages
One-time credits top-up
Subscription for x credits per month
Auto-refill at 5%"